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Question 248

On the knowledge base record, which tab would you use to define which users are not able to write articles to the knowledge base?

    Correct Answer: B

    The tab that defines which users are not able to write articles to the knowledge base is 'Cannot Author.' This setting specifically restricts users from authoring content in the knowledge base, aligning with the requirement stated in the question.

jjjrrrferereOption: C

The question is confusing, it seems like the correct answer would be "cannot contribute" which is not an option. If you *only* select "can read" then inherently those users can only read and not contribute. So technically this may be the correct answer https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-servicenow-platform/page/product/knowledge-management/task/t_SelectUserCriteria.html

rittersportlerOption: A

Should be can contribute. If the user is not on the list, then they cannot contribute

missmamOption: B

answer should be 'cannot contribute'

yo_mammaOption: A

A is correct https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/utah-servicenow-platform/page/product/knowledge-management/task/t_SelectUserCriteria.html


Can Read: Users can read knowledge articles in the knowledge base. Cannot Read: Users can't read knowledge articles in the knowledge base. Can Contribute: Users can create, modify, and retire knowledge articles in a knowledge base. Contribute access to a knowledge base also provides read access to all articles in the knowledge base. Cannot Contribute: Users can't create, modify, retire, or read knowledge articles in the knowledge base.

FantastikaspirationOption: A

Answer is A. On P.223 in the Vancouver study guide: User Criteria records are accessed from the Can read or Can contribute related lists.

BrooksieOwlOption: B

None of these are correct. As jjjrrrferere says correct answer is "Cannot Contribute". This is a duplicate of question 123 so you can ignore this question as 123 has the Cannot Contribute option


The answer should be "cannot contribute" https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/utah-servicenow-platform/page/product/knowledge-management/task/t_SelectUserCriteria.html Related list Description Can Read Users can read knowledge articles in the knowledge base. Cannot Read Users can't read knowledge articles in the knowledge base. Can Contribute Users can create, modify, and retire knowledge articles in a knowledge base. Contribute access to a knowledge base also provides read access to all articles in the knowledge base. Cannot Contribute Users can't create, modify, retire, or read knowledge articles in the knowledge base.

studyGUYdOption: C

Obviously the actual answer would be "Cannot Contribute", but that selection is not available as an answer here. Therefore, with the options available to us here, the MOST correct choice would be to limit the user with "Can Read" access.

Aabid02Option: B

Cannot contribute

PappyFoxOption: A

A is the correct answer