Question 6 of 87

Which of the following statements is most true about test conditions?

    Correct Answer: A

    A test condition is defined as an item or event of a component or system that can be verified by one or more test cases. This captures the essence of test conditions in a precise and verifiable manner, allowing testers to create specific test cases to check for the presence or absence of the item or event.

Question 7 of 87

Consider the following pseudo code

1. Begin

2. Read Gender

3. __Print "Dear"

4. If Gender = female

5. Print ("Ms")

6. Else

7. __Print ( "Mr")

8. Endif

9. End

How many test cases are needed to achieve 100 per cent decision coverage?

    Correct Answer: B

    To achieve 100 per cent decision coverage, we need to test all possible outcomes of every decision point in the code. In this pseudo code, there is one decision point (the if-else statement that checks if the gender is female). Therefore, we need two test cases: one where Gender is female (to cover the 'if' branch and print 'Ms') and one where Gender is male (to cover the 'else' branch and print 'Mr'). These two test cases will ensure that both branches of the decision are tested, achieving 100% decision coverage.

Question 8 of 87

What is static analysis?

    Correct Answer: C

    Static analysis is a technique to find defects in software source code and software models, performed without executing the code. It involves the examination of the code to identify issues such as security vulnerabilities, coding standards violations, and logical errors at an early stage in the development process, thus helping to improve the quality and reliability of the software.

Question 9 of 87

Component testing may include:

    Correct Answer: D

    Component testing involves testing individual components of software in isolation. It frequently includes the use of stubs and drivers to simulate the interactions between the components and external systems or other components that are not yet developed or are being tested independently. These are essential in creating a controlled testing environment for the component under test.

Question 10 of 87

Which type of review has the following main purposes:

discussing, making decisions, evaluating alternatives, finding defects, solving technical problems and checking conformance to specifications, plans, regulations, and standards?

    Correct Answer: A

    A technical review involves discussing, making decisions, evaluating alternatives, finding defects, solving technical problems, and checking conformance to specifications, plans, regulations, and standards. These characteristics align well with the main purposes described in the question.