GIAC Python Coder

Here you have the best GIAC GPYC practice exam questions

  • You have 31 total questions to study from
  • Each page has 5 questions, making a total of 7 pages
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  • This questions were last updated on March 6, 2025
Question 1 of 31

Which of the following will be the value of the variable y?

    Correct Answer: C

    The dictionary 'x' has two keys: 'a' and 'b'. The key 'b' is associated with the value which is a list: [[5, 6], 7]. Accessing x['b'][0] retrieves the first element of the list associated with 'b', which is [5, 6]. Then, accessing [5, 6][1] retrieves the second element of that list, which is 6. Therefore, the value of the variable y is 6.

Question 2 of 31

What are the contents of the variable x when the following is executed in a Python interactive session?

    Correct Answer: A

    When the expression x.split()[0][1] is evaluated, it first splits the string x into a list of words: ['So', 'you', 'want', 'a', 'GIAC', 'Certification?']. The expression then accesses the first word ('So') and retrieves the second character of that word ('o'). However, the value of x itself does not change due to this operation and remains as 'So you want a GIAC Certification?'. Given the requirement to print the value of x, the value is not altered and remains 'So'.

Question 3 of 31

Which of the following commands would correct the error in the screenshot?

    Correct Answer: A

    The error in the screenshot indicates that the name 'itertools' is not defined. This means that the itertools module has not been imported into the current namespace. To fix this, you need to import the itertools module at the beginning of your script using the command 'import itertools'. Therefore, option A is the correct choice.

Question 4 of 31

A user enters unexpected data into program. Which functionality can the programmer use to present an understandable error message to the user?

    Correct Answer: B

    A programmer can use exception handling to present an understandable error message to the user when unexpected data is entered. Exception handling allows the programmer to detect errors during program execution and respond with appropriate and user-friendly error messages, improving the program's robustness and user experience.

Question 5 of 31

A programmer attempts to run the Python program as follows, but an error occurs. What is the cause of this error?

    Correct Answer: A

    The cause of the error is that the script is missing the line #!usr/bin/python. This line is called a shebang and it specifies the path to the interpreter that should be used to execute the script. Without it, the operating system does not know which interpreter to use and thus cannot execute the file directly.