An architect is helping an organization with the Logical Design of an NSX-T Data Center solution.
Which two statements should the architect consider as non-technical requirements? (Choose two.)
An architect is helping an organization with the Logical Design of an NSX-T Data Center solution.
Which two statements should the architect consider as non-technical requirements? (Choose two.)
When designing the Logical Design of an NSX-T Data Center solution, it is important to distinguish between technical and non-technical requirements. Non-technical requirements generally refer to business needs that do not involve specific technical details. The statement 'Any solution should add more value to current and future customer engagements' focuses on the business value and customer interactions, which are non-technical aspects. Similarly, 'The design should offer agility and freedom for application phases' emphasizes flexibility and adaptability in the application lifecycle, which is also a non-technical requirement. The other options, such as concerns about hardcoded IP addresses, business continuity plans based on specific technologies, and the use of different vendors for storage solutions, involve technical considerations and constraints.
Correct Answers: A, B (all the other have technology requirement in it)
The correct answer is AB. The only Requirements are AB and they are non-technical. The rest are Constraints.
AB is the correct answer
Correct Answer: AB
A & B Correct
The correct answer is AB.
Correct Answer: AB