An administrator wants to scale an existing VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) environment by adding a new VI Workload Domain.
Which two storage options can be used for the new VI Workload Domain? (Choose two.)
An administrator wants to scale an existing VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) environment by adding a new VI Workload Domain.
Which two storage options can be used for the new VI Workload Domain? (Choose two.)
When scaling a VMware Cloud Foundation environment by adding a new VI Workload Domain, vSAN can be used as the principal storage. Additionally, for supplemental storage in a Workload Domain, VMFS on FC and NFS are valid options. Hence, vSAN principal storage with VMFS on FC supplemental storage and vSAN principal storage with NFS supplemental storage are the two correct storage options.
CD are Correct
Badly formulated question, C,D,E are correct.
CD are correct PRINCIPAL STORAGE MANAGEMENT DOMAIN - vSAN WORKLOAD DOMAIN - vSAN, vVOL, NFS (v3, v4.1), FC SUPPLEMENTAL STORAGE MANAGEMENT DOMAIN - vVOLs, NFS (v3, v4.1), FC, iSCSI WORKLOAD DOMAIN - vVOLs, NFS (v3, v4.1), FC, iSCSI Taken from VMware Cloud Foundation: Deploy, Configure, Manage [V5.0] Lesson book.
Answer; C & D