Which three details can be configured when creating a custom view? (Choose three.)
Which three details can be configured when creating a custom view? (Choose three.)
When creating a custom view, you can configure the Presentation, Data, and Subject. Presentation refers to how the information is displayed, Data specifies the content that will be shown, and Subject determines the aspect or entity being focused on. Custom View Tag and Input Transformation are not typically configurable details when creating a custom view, while Format is more related to the display settings within the Presentation configuration.
Just correcting wrong pick - C,E,F for me (Presentation, Data, Subject): https://digitalthoughtdisruption.com/2020/05/05/vmware-vrealize-operations-create-custom-view-and-report-to-identify-virtual-machines-with-mounted-iso/
Selected Answer: CEF Presentation, Data, Subject https://blogs.vmware.com/management/2016/07/vrops-views-creating-view-scratch.html
Selected Answer: CEF Presentation, Data, Subject
C,D,F for me (Presentation, Data, Subject): https://digitalthoughtdisruption.com/2020/05/05/vmware-vrealize-operations-create-custom-view-and-report-to-identify-virtual-machines-with-mounted-iso/