Which command displays the storage limits that have been set together with the amount of resources consumed?
Which command displays the storage limits that have been set together with the amount of resources consumed?
The command 'kubectl describe resourcequotas' displays the storage limits set along with the amount of resources consumed. 'kubectl get resourcequotas' provides a summary of resource quotas but does not give detailed information about resource usage. 'kubectl config get-resourcequotas limits' and 'kubectl list resourcequotas' are not valid kubectl commands.
Correct Answer : A In my lab: kubectl get resourcequotas NAME AGE REQUEST LIMIT snm-idc-01-storagequota 59d tanzu-k8s-vsan.storageclass.storage.k8s.io/requests.storage: 400Gi/9223372036854775807 Detail limit storage cuota
A is Correct ,check on the Lab .D not shows the Limit
D. https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/vmware-vsphere-with-tanzu/GUID-883E60F9-03C5-40D7-9AB8-BE42835B7B52.html?hWord=N4IghgNiBcINYFcBGBTAxgFwgAgCYoGc0AnAS1W2MIHsFi0UBHBajMAkAXyA
kubectl describe quota https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/resource-quotas/
I'm going with "A" based on comments from other members. It seems "kubectl get resourcequotas" also includes the limit, which is sufficient to answer the question.
I'm wrong about this, I feel it's D. The reason is because "kubectl get resourcequotas" does not show the resource usage!
Correct Answer: D It will return the current consumption and the configured limmits.
Full command output here https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/vmware-vsphere-with-tanzu/GUID-883E60F9-03C5-40D7-9AB8-BE42835B7B52.html
My answer is A.