Which two steps must be performed to create a vSphere with Tanzu namespace? (Choose two.)
Which two steps must be performed to create a vSphere with Tanzu namespace? (Choose two.)
Creating a vSphere with Tanzu namespace requires using a DNS-compliant name, as this is necessary for the proper identification and networking of the namespace. Additionally, assigning permissions is crucial to ensure that users have the correct level of access to perform operations within the namespace. These steps are essential components in the initial creation process of the namespace.
And if it is A and C??? You need a vSphere Cluster.
The key word here is "CREATE". In order to create it you need: • Select a cluster enabled for vSphere with Tanzu. [A] • Provide a DNS-compliant name for the namespace. [C] Before you can "USE" it you need: Use the vSphere Client to configure permissions and storage before a namespace can be used: • Assign permissions to users to either edit or view the namespace. [D] • Assign a VM storage policy to the namespace. • Define resource limits. [E] So A & C are correct.
A&C. It's a pre-req to have the vSphere Cluster.
Selected Answer: CD https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/vmware-vsphere-with-tanzu/GUID-177C23C4-ED81-4ADD-89A2-61654C18201B.html#:~:text=be%20in%20a-,DNS%2Dcompliant,-format.
I think is AC As people say here DE are tasks post creation. So the only useful answers are A and C. The "A" is because a prerequisite is "Configure a cluster with vSphere with Tanzu" the question doesn't have more information but if there is not a vSphere Cluster we have to deploy it. However, it is just an assumption. So, Answer C is the only one involved in the creation process
C,D are correct https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K5yYbw7x4M&t=145s
https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/vmware-vsphere-with-tanzu/GUID-1544C9FE-0B23-434E-B823-C59EFC2F7309.html vSphere with Tanzu workloads, including vSphere Pods, VMs, and Tanzu Kubernetes clusters, are deployed to a vSphere Namespace. You define a vSphere Namespace on a Supervisor Cluster and configure it with resource quota and user permissions. Depending on the DevOps needs and workloads they plan to run, you might also assign storage policies, VM classes, and content libraries for fetching the latest Tanzu Kubernetes releases and VM images.
Fact is : Permissions and Limits are done after creating the Namespace. So the only good answer here is DNS compliant name for Namespace which is mandatory at the "creation"
I would go with a single answer picking option C, since the questions says "... to create ...", and like PhanToM says, the permissions and limits are configured post-creation. Now, if you take a chronological order of the steps, options C and D would make my answer, leaving the limits config as a third step. -YoMeroElPanadero