What are two use cases for VMware vSphere+? (Choose two.)
What are two use cases for VMware vSphere+? (Choose two.)
One use case for VMware vSphere+ is to enhance on-premises workloads by managing them through the VMware Cloud Console. This centralized management offers IT administrators a consolidated view and streamlined control over all vSphere deployments. Another use case is to simplify vCenter lifecycle management through cloud-enabled automation, providing an efficient and centralized approach to updating and maintaining multiple vCenter instances and ESXi hosts.
A-E https://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/vsphere-plus.html
A : Centralized Cloud Console. Enable IT administrators to consolidate management of all vSphere deployments with the vSphere+ Cloud Console. E: vCenter Lifecycle Management Service. Update an entire fleet of ESXi hosts in one operation, across multiple vCenters and clusters, and centrally monitor progress from the Cloud Console https://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/vsphere-plus.html#features
Ich sage, es ist A und E: https://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/vsphere-plus.html https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2022/06/vmware-vsphereplus-introducing-the-multi-cloud-workload-platform.html