When should SQL Server Standard (or higher) be deployed for the instance used by Veeam Backup & Replication instead of the SQL Server Express instance installed by default?
When should SQL Server Standard (or higher) be deployed for the instance used by Veeam Backup & Replication instead of the SQL Server Express instance installed by default?
SQL Server Standard or a higher version should be deployed for the instance used by Veeam Backup & Replication instead of the SQL Server Express instance installed by default in large-scale environments. SQL Server Express has limitations on the database size, the amount of memory it can utilize, and the number of CPU cores it can use. For large-scale environments, these limitations can hinder performance and scalability, necessitating the use of the more capable SQL Server Standard or higher versions.
https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/vac/deployment/vbr_large_scale.html?ver=40 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/server-memory-server-configuration-options?view=sql-server-ver15
Still valid 17/01/2020