A Windows VM running on Microsoft Hyper-V is protected using the file indexing option. Which of the following Veeam components can be used to deploy the runtime during the backup process?
A Windows VM running on Microsoft Hyper-V is protected using the file indexing option. Which of the following Veeam components can be used to deploy the runtime during the backup process?
The Guest interaction proxy is the Veeam component used to deploy the runtime during the backup process when file indexing is enabled on a Windows VM running on Microsoft Hyper-V. This component specifically handles tasks such as indexing, application-aware processing, and transaction logs processing, ensuring that necessary communication occurs between the Veeam Backup & Replication and the guest OS.
it's a guest interaction
C https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/vsphere/guest_interaction_proxy.html?_gl=1*1dwkh14*_ga*MTU5MjU5NjE1OC4xNjgyNDQzNTcy*_ga_PMJS81E58L*MTY4ODA2Njg1Ni4xNy4xLjE2ODgwNzE3MjcuNDQuMC4w&ver=120
Guest interaction proxy. Application-aware processing Guest file system indexing Transaction logs processing Indexação do sistema de arquivos convidado Processamento de logs de transações
it's a guest interaction