When restoring Linux or Unix guest OS files, which components can be used to mount the volume containing files to be restored? (Choose two.)
When restoring Linux or Unix guest OS files, which components can be used to mount the volume containing files to be restored? (Choose two.)
When restoring Linux or Unix guest OS files, the components used to mount the volume containing files to be restored include a Helper appliance and a Helper host. These components facilitate access to the file system of the guest OS, enabling the restoration process.
Helper Host https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/vsphere/multios_restore_host_vm.html?ver=120 Helper Appliance https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/qsg_vsphere/flr_linux.html?ver=120
Helper appliance and helper Host
Helper appliance and helper Host
Correct are A and E
Correct A,E