What represents an example of a full selector?
What represents an example of a full selector?
A full selector includes the full hierarchy from the top-level window or application down to the element of interest. Option C provides a complete path starting from the application (msedge.exe with title 'Documentation Portal') down to the specific web control (aaname='Release Notes', parentid='content-container', tag='A'). This full path ensures the most precise identification of the element in the context of web automation.
Ans : C
Full selector should start with Web or Apps title name
If you check a click activity in studion tu click a button on a web page named "https://www.uipath.com/partners/technology-alliances/3". Click Element will be: "Try UiPath Free" On the Selector will be: <html app='chrome.exe' title='Results page 3 for UiPath Integrations with Enterprise Applications - Automation Partners | UiPath' /> <webctrl aaname='Try UiPath Free' parentid='gatsby-focus-wrapper' tag='A' />
Answer = 'C'
Answer = 'C'