A developer has configured a Type Into activity to enter text into a web input field as shown in the following exhibit:
What is the result of the Type Into activity?
A developer has configured a Type Into activity to enter text into a web input field as shown in the following exhibit:
What is the result of the Type Into activity?
The Type Into activity is configured to use 'SimulateType', which is set to True. When 'SimulateType' is used, special keys like '[k(enter)]' are not interpreted as keyboard commands but are instead typed as literal text. Therefore, the activity types 'Try UiPath [k(enter)]' into the field.
Tested in Studio
Hotkey trigger does not work for Simulate Type, so when selected the BOT would type that as a text. Answer is D
Tested in Studion, The value that is typed is a string "Try UiPath [k(enter)]".
This is the classic "Type Into" activity in Studio. If the "SimulateType" is set to "true" it will enter the specified text as a Hardware event, meaning that it will type everything exactly as in the "Text" field of the activity. Also tested in Studio if anyone needs to know that bit of information.
Cannot type special keys using Simulate Input mode
Though you are accurate in your statement, it will only throw an exception if you are using the modern activity in UiPath Studio. In the example the activity being used is the classic Type Into activity. I know this based on the "Properties" pane shown for the activity. The modern one, that throws and exception, has a different "Property" pane.