A developer created a sequence with a Retry Scope shown in the following exhibit:
What is the content of the Output panel after running this sequence?
A developer created a sequence with a Retry Scope shown in the following exhibit:
What is the content of the Output panel after running this sequence?
The sequence begins by initializing the variable MyInt to 0. In each retry attempt, MyInt increments by 1 and writes the value of MyInt to the Output panel. The Retry Scope will continue to retry until the provided condition 'MyInt < 4' evaluates to true or until the maximum number of retries (3) is reached. Since the condition is 'MyInt < 4', the retries will continue for a total of 3 times, incrementing MyInt each time. Therefore, the values written to the Output panel will be 1, 2, and 3, before the retries are exhausted.
The ans. should be A as the condition will be met in the first run only.
Tested in Studio !