Which of the following best describes the TOGAF Architecture Governance Framework?
Which of the following best describes the TOGAF Architecture Governance Framework?
The TOGAF Architecture Governance Framework is an approach to ensure the effectiveness of an organization's architectures. It involves a series of processes, cultural orientation, and a set of owned responsibilities that aim to manage and control all aspects of the development and evolution of architectures. The framework helps in identifying effective processes so that business responsibilities associated with Architecture Governance can be clearly communicated and managed, ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of the organization's architectures.
Answer - A. https://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf9-doc/arch/chap44.html Architecture Governance needs to be supported by an Architecture Governance Framework. Conceptually, Architecture Governance is an approach, a series of processes, a cultural orientation, and a set of owned responsibilities that ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the organization's architectures. The split of process, content, and context are key to the support of the Architecture Governance initiative, by allowing the introduction of new governance material (legal, regulatory, standards-based, or legislative) without unduly impacting the processes. This content-agnostic approach ensures that the framework is flexible. The processes are typically independent of the content and implement a proven best practice approach to active governance.
- Phase G of the TOGAF ADM is dedicated to Implementation Governance, which concerns itself with the realization of the architecture through change projects. Architecture Governance covers the management and control of all aspects of the development and evolution of architectures. - It needs to be supported by an Architecture Governance Framework which assists in identifying effective processes so that the business responsibilities associated with Architecture Governance can be elucidated, communicated, and managed effectively. The TOGAF standard provides such a framework, which is described in the following sections.