Which section of the TOGAF template for Architecture Principles should highlight the business benefits for adhering to the principle?
Which section of the TOGAF template for Architecture Principles should highlight the business benefits for adhering to the principle?
The section of the TOGAF template for Architecture Principles that should highlight the business benefits for adhering to the principle is the Rationale. The Rationale section is intended to explain the business benefits and the importance of the principle in business terms, ensuring that all stakeholders understand its value and relevance.
Rationale = Business Benefits Implications = Requirements
Correct Answer 20.3 Components of Architecture Principles Name - Should both represent the essence of the rule as well as be easy to remember Statement - Should succinctly and unambiguously communicate the fundamental rule. Rationale - Should highlight the business benefits of adhering to the principle, using business terminology. Implications - should highlight the requirements, both for the business and IT, for carrying out the principle - in terms of resources, costs, and activities/tasks.
Rationale: Should highlight the business benefits of adhering to the principle, using business terminology. Point to the similarity of information and technology principles to the principles governing business operations. Also describe the relationship to other principles, and the intentions regarding a balanced interpretation. Describe situations where one principle would be given precedence or carry more weight than another for making a decision. https://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf9-doc/arch/chap20.html
20.3 Components of Architecture Principles Rationale: Should highlight the business benefits of adhering to the principle, using business terminology. Point to the similarity of information and technology principles to the principles governing business operations. Also describe the relationship to other principles, and the intentions regarding a balanced interpretation. Describe situations where one principle would be given precedence or carry more weight than another for making a decision.
C. Rationale