Which of the following describes an objective of Phase F: Migration Planning Phase?
Which of the following describes an objective of Phase F: Migration Planning Phase?
The correct answer is to coordinate the Implementation and Migration Plan with other frameworks. Phase F: Migration Planning Phase in the TOGAF framework focuses on finalizing the Implementation and Migration Plan and ensuring that it is aligned with the enterprise's overall approach to managing and implementing change. This coordination ensures that all elements of the enterprise architecture and associated changes are carried out effectively and efficiently.
The is answer D: https://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf9-doc/arch/ Ensure that the Implementation and Migration Plan is co-ordinated with the enterprise's approach to managing and implementing change in the enterprise's overall change portfolio.
Development of the Implementation and Migration Plan The outline Implementation and Migration Plan is created in Phase E and then finalized in Phase F. The objectives of Phase F are to: ■ Finalize the Architecture Roadmap and the supporting Implementation and Migration Plan. ■ Ensure that the Implementation and Migration Plan is co-ordinated with the enterprise’s approach to managing and implementing change in the enterprise’s overall change portfolio. ■ Ensure that the business value and cost of work packages and Transition Architectures is understood by key stakeholders.
The steps in Phase F are as follows: ■ Confirm management framework interactions for Implementation and Migration Plan (seeSection 13.3.1) ■ Assign a business value to each work package (see Section 13.3.2) ■ Estimate resource requirements, project timings, and availability/delivery vehicle (see Section 13.3.3) ■ Prioritize the migration projects through the conduct of a cost/benefit assessment and risk validation (see Section 13.3.4) ■ Confirm Architecture Roadmap and update Architecture Definition Document (see Section 13.3.5) ■ Complete the Implementation and Migration Plan (see Section 13.3.6) ■ Complete the architecture development cycle and document lessons learned (see Section 13.3.7)