The TOGAF ADM uses a version numbering convention to illustrate the evolution of Baseline and Target Architecture Definitions. What does Version 1.0 indicate according to this convention?
The TOGAF ADM uses a version numbering convention to illustrate the evolution of Baseline and Target Architecture Definitions. What does Version 1.0 indicate according to this convention?
Version 1.0 in the TOGAF ADM version numbering convention indicates a formally reviewed, detailed architecture. This means that the architecture has undergone a formal review process and is detailed in its specifications and descriptions.
4.2.2 Basic Structure Table 4-1: ADM Version Numbering Convention Version 1.0 indicates a formally reviewed, detailed architecture.
4. Introduction to Part II: Architecture Development Method (ADM) 4.2 Architecture Development Cycle 4.2.2 Basic Structure In particular, a version numbering convention is used within the ADM to illustrate the evolution of Baseline and Target Architecture Definitions. Table 4-1 describes how this convention is used. B: Business Architecture, Architecture Definition Document, Business Architecture, 1.0, Version 1.0 indicates a formally reviewed, detailed architecture.
C. A formally reviewed, detailed architecture
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