Which of the following best describes the TOGAF Architecture Development Method?
Which of the following best describes the TOGAF Architecture Development Method?
The TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) is a detailed process focusing on the development of an organization-specific architecture. It guides the creation and maintenance of the architecture framework, ensuring that specific business needs and scenarios are addressed. The method emphasizes aligning the architecture with the strategic goals and provides a structured approach to implementing, managing, and maintaining the architecture on an enterprise level.
https://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf9-doc/arch/chap35.html The TOGAF ADM describes the process of developing an enterprise-specific architecture and an enterprise-specific solution(s) which conform to that architecture by adopting and adapting (where appropriate) generic architectures and solutions (left to right in the continuum classification). In a similar fashion, specific architectures and solutions that prove to be credible and effective will be generalized for re-use (right to left in the continuum classification). At relevant places throughout the TOGAF ADM, there are pointers to useful architecture assets at the relevant level of generality in the continuum classification. These assets can include reference models from The Open Group and industries at large.