According to the TOGAF Document Categorization Model, which category describes a technique that is referenced by processes categorized as TOGAF Core and
TOGAF Mandated?
According to the TOGAF Document Categorization Model, which category describes a technique that is referenced by processes categorized as TOGAF Core and
TOGAF Mandated?
According to the TOGAF Document Categorization Model, TOGAF Guidelines and Techniques describe a technique that is referenced by processes categorized as TOGAF Core and TOGAF Mandated. This category includes guidelines, techniques, and other forms of reference material that support the application of the TOGAF framework but are not mandatory parts of the core. ==> "The Document Categorization Model has been removed."
Not valid for TOGAF 9.2
Does not seem to be part of TOGAF 9.2. Ignore this question
The Document Categorization Model has been removed. Chapter 4.1.1
is this part of togaf 9.2?