Within the Architecture Repository, what does the class of information known as the Architecture Capability include?
Within the Architecture Repository, what does the class of information known as the Architecture Capability include?
The Architecture Capability within the Architecture Repository includes parameters, structures, and processes to support governance of the repository. This ensures that the governance mechanisms are adequately supported, facilitating the proper management and oversight of architectural activities within the organization.
At a high level, the following classes of architectural information are expected to be held within an Architecture Repository: 1) "The Architecture Metamodel" describes the organizationally tailored application of an architecture framework, including a method for architecture development and a metamodel for architecture content. 2) The "Architecture Capability" defines the parameters, structures, and processes that support governance of the Architecture Repository. 3) The "Architecture Landscape" presents an architectural representation of assets in use, or planned, by the enterprise at particular points in time 4) The "Standards Information Base" captures the standards with which new architectures must comply, which may include industry standards, selected products and services from suppliers, or shared services already deployed within the organization
The Architecture Capability defines the "parameters, structures, and processes that support governance of the Architecture Repository".
5) The "Reference Library" provides guidelines, templates, patterns, and other forms of reference material that can be leveraged in order to accelerate the creation of new architectures for the enterprise. 6) The "Governance Log" provides a record of governance activity across the enterprise 7) The "Architecture Requirements Repository" provides a view of all authorized architecture requirements which have been agreed with the Architecture Board. 8) The "Solutions Landscape" presents an architectural representation of the Solution Building Blocks (SBBs) supporting the Architecture Landscape which have been planned or deployed by the enterprise.