What action is required to enable forwarder management in Splunk Web?
What action is required to enable forwarder management in Splunk Web?
To enable forwarder management in Splunk Web, you need to place an app in the SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps directory on the deployment server. This action designates the server as a deployment server, which allows it to manage forwarders. This step is necessary as it initializes the forwarder management process, enabling the deployment server functionality.
https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/MSApp/2.0.3/MSInfra/Setupadeploymentserver "To activate deployment server, you must place at least one app into %SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\deployment-apps on the host you want to act as deployment server. In this case, the app is the "send to indexer" app you created earlier, and the host is the indexer you set up initially."
yes answer is D
answer D the wording is not wright for C Overview of how to set up Forwarder Management in your implementation: 1.On DS, add one or more apps in SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps 2. On forwarders, run splunk set deploy-poll <deployServer:port>, to make it a client 3.create one or more server classes------ add client to a server class 4.Verify on deployment server: List of clients phoning home Deployment status 5.Verify on forwarders: etc/appsfolder for deployed apps
Ans: D A & B is definitely incorrect it should be Settings > Forwarder Management. The "Forwarder Management" page in the GUI would not be available without placing a single in the deployment-apps path of the DS.
Answer is C