What predefined drilldown tokens are available specifically for trellis layouts? (Select all that apply.)
What predefined drilldown tokens are available specifically for trellis layouts? (Select all that apply.)
The predefined drilldown tokens available specifically for trellis layouts are 'trellis.name' and 'trellis.value'. These tokens allow you to access the name and value of the trellis panel when drilling down into the data. 'trellis.Xaxis' and 'trellis.Yaxis' are not standard predefined drilldown tokens for trellis layouts.
Buttom of the page: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.1.0/Viz/PanelreferenceforSimplifiedXML#trellis
C. trellis.name D. trellis.value
I'm not sure about that