When converting from a single-site to a multi-site cluster, what happens to existing single-site clustered buckets?
When converting from a single-site to a multi-site cluster, what happens to existing single-site clustered buckets?
When converting from a single-site to a multi-site cluster, the existing single-site clustered buckets will continue to replicate within the origin site and age out based on the existing policies. This ensures that the data retention policies that were in place for the single-site configuration remain effective, and the data is managed in the same manner despite the shift to a multi-site environment.
pg 78 | Cluster
https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.1.0/Indexer/Migratetomultisite#Post-migration_bucket_behavior A
A is the answer
They will continue to replicate within the origin site and age out based on existing policies.
A is my answer as the existing buckets are affected only by the existing policies, which wouldn't modify the age out periods.
A is the answer