The Remote Access panel within the User Activity dashboard is not populating with the most recent hour of data.
What data model should be checked for potential errors such as skipped searches?
The Remote Access panel within the User Activity dashboard is not populating with the most recent hour of data.
What data model should be checked for potential errors such as skipped searches?
To diagnose issues with the Remote Access panel within the User Activity dashboard not populating with the most recent hour of data, the Authentication data model should be checked. The Remote Access panel is typically powered by searches based on the Authentication data model, which tracks user authentication events. Skipped searches or errors within this specific data model could directly impact the data population in the Remote Access panel.
correct answer is D authentication. Source: - check user activity dashboard, remote access panel
yes you are correct
The correct answer is D
This is the search powering this dashboard, so it's a clear answer D "Authentication" : | tstats `summariesonly` count from datamodel=Authentication.Authentication where Authentication.user=$ds_input_tokens:result.user$ $ds_input_tokens:result.remote_user_bunit$ by Authentication.src,Authentication.user | `drop_dm_object_name("Authentication")`| `get_identity4events(user)` | rename user_watchlist as watchlist | search $ds_input_tokens:result.watchlist_raw$ | `get_asset(src)` | iplocation src | eval session_city=if(isnull(src_city), City,src_city) | eval session_country=if(isnull(src_country), Country,src_country) | where isnotnull(session_city) AND isnotnull(user_work_city) AND (lower(user_work_city)!=lower(session_city) OR lower(user_work_country)!=lower(session_country)) | fields user, src, session_city, session_country, user_work_city, user_work_country | sort 100 -count
The Correct answer is D
D is the correct answer
The correct answer is D. Verified in the Splunk ES app.
D is correct
User Activity dashboard uses multiple DM, but remote access panel is using Authentication datamodel so D is correct option.