What are characteristics of Snowpark Python packages? (Choose three.)
What are characteristics of Snowpark Python packages? (Choose three.)
Snowpark Python packages have several key characteristics. Third-party packages can be registered as a dependency to the Snowpark session using the session.import() method, allowing for custom functionality to be added. The SQL command DESCRIBE FUNCTION will list the imported Python packages of the Python User-Defined Function (UDF), providing transparency on the dependencies used within the UDF. Querying information_schema.packages will provide a list of supported Python packages and versions, helping users to understand which packages are available. These characteristics are crucial for managing dependencies and ensuring the correct packages are utilized within the Snowflake environment.
select * from information_schema.packages where language = 'python' and PACKAGE_NAME LIKE '%pandas%' DESC FUNCTION multiply(number, number); -----------+----------------------------------+ property | value | -----------+----------------------------------+ signature | (a NUMBER(38,0), b NUMBER(38,0)) | returns | NUMBER(38,0) | language | SQL | body | a * b | -----------+----------------------------------+