What does Snowflake recommend as a best practice for using secure views?
What does Snowflake recommend as a best practice for using secure views?
Snowflake recommends not exposing the sequence-generated column(s) as part of the view when using secure views. This is to ensure that the identifiers remain secure and are not inadvertently revealed.
Sequence-generated Columns Do not expose the sequence-generated column as part of the view.
D https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/views-secure
A is Answer .. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/views-secure
based on your link Answer is D. (Use randomized identifiers (e.g. generated by UUID_STRING) instead of sequence-generated values.)
D is correct
The correct answer is D. Do not expose the sequence-generated column(s). Snowflake recommendation: 1) Do not expose the sequence-generated column as part of the view. 2) Use randomized identifiers (e.g. generated by UUID_STRING) instead of sequence-generated values. 3) Programmatically obfuscate the identifiers. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/views-secure#sequence-generated-columns