How can a dropped internal stage be restored?
How can a dropped internal stage be restored?
To restore a dropped internal stage in Snowflake, you use the UNDROP command, provided it is within the Time Travel retention period. Time Travel allows for recovery of various objects, including stages, by pointing back to a previous state within the retention period.
In Snowflake, a dropped internal stage can be restored using the UNDROP command, provided that it is within the Time Travel retention period.
D. Recreate the dropped stage. Using Time Travel, you can perform the following actions within a defined period of time: Query data in the past that has since been updated or deleted. Create clones of entire tables, schemas, and databases at or before specific points in the past. Restore tables, schemas, and databases that have been dropped. Doesn't look like you can restore a dropped stage using UNDROP and time travel. Looks like you just need to recreate it using your SQL definition.
Confirmed that C is not possible: USE ROLE SYSADMIN; USE DATABASE TIME_TRAVEL_TEST; USE SCHEMA PUBLIC; CREATE STAGE images_stage URL = 's3://photos/national_parks/us/yosemite/'; SELECT GET_STAGE_LOCATION(@images_stage); SHOW PARAMETERS like '%DATA_RETENTION_TIME_IN_DAYS%' in schema PUBLIC; DROP STAGE images_stage; UNDROP STAGE images_stage; ---000002 (0A000): Unsupported feature 'UNDROP not supported for objects of type STAGE'. You can undrop DB, SCHEMA, TABLE, also ACCOUNT and TAG
you are using an external stage in this example.