Which data formats are supported by Snowflake when unloading semi-structured data? (Choose two.)
Which data formats are supported by Snowflake when unloading semi-structured data? (Choose two.)
Snowflake supports unloading semi-structured data in binary file formats such as Parquet and in Newline Delimited JSON format. Parquet is suitable for columnar storage of data in binary format, and NDJSON is a convenient format where each JSON object is on a separate line, making it easier to process large JSON datasets. Formats like Avro, comma-separated JSON, and XML elements in plain text are not explicitly supported for unloading.
BD probably - NDJSON mentioned in https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-unload-prepare and particualry Parquet as well
Correct answer is B and D. Binary file in Parquet Newline Delimited JSON (ndjson) https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-unload-prepare#supported-file-formats
bd correct