Query compilation occurs in which architecture layer of the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform?
Query compilation occurs in which architecture layer of the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform?
In the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform, query compilation occurs in the Cloud Services layer. This layer is responsible for managing tasks such as authentication, security enforcement, query compilation, and optimization. It also manages the result cache and coordinates all transactions. The Compute layer is responsible for processing queries, while the Storage layer handles data storage. The Cloud Infrastructure layer underlies the entire system, providing general cloud services and resources.
D. Cloud services layer https://community.snowflake.com/s/article/Snowflake-Additional-Billing-Cloud-Services-Layer-Impact#:~:text=The%20services%20layer%20for%20Snowflake,cache%20and%20coordinates%20all%20transactions.
Ans - D. Query execution is different from Query processing. Query execution is performed in the processing layer. While The services layer for Snowflake authenticates user sessions, provides management, enforces security functions, performs query compilation and optimization, results cache and coordinates all transactions
Answer is D
D. Cloud services layer https://community.snowflake.com/s/article/Snowflake-Additional-Billing-Cloud-Services-Layer-Impact#:~:text=The%20services%20layer%20for%20Snowflake,cache%20and%20coordinates%20all%20transactions.
https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/sql/explain.html Although EXPLAIN does not consume any compute credits, the compilation of the query does consume Cloud Service credits, just as other metadata operations do.
D is right
Cloud services layer
D. Cloud services layer The Cloud Services layer in Snowflake is responsible for activities such as query optimization, compilation, and overall management of the system.
D is correct
cloud services layer