What transformations are supported in the below SQL statement? (Choose three.)
What transformations are supported in the below SQL statement? (Choose three.)
In the SQL statement 'CREATE PIPE ... AS COPY ... FROM (...)', three transformations are supported. You can filter data by using an optional WHERE clause before it is copied, as this allows you to select specific rows based on conditions. Columns can be omitted, meaning you can specify only the columns from the incoming data that you want to include in the target table. Type casting support allows you to convert data types to match the target schema. Reordering columns and joining incoming data with other tables are not supported in this context.
A: You can specify a WHERE clause to filter data before it is copied into Snowflake. This allows you to select specific rows based on certain conditions. B: When you define the structure of the target table in Snowflake using CREATE PIPE, you can specify the order of columns. This means you can control the order in which incoming data columns are mapped to the target table. C: Similar to reordering columns, you can specify only the columns from the incoming data that you want to copy into the target table. Columns that are not specified in the CREATE PIPE statement will be ignored during the data copy process.
B, C, D. You can't use where clauses in a copy into statement
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