What Snowflake role must be granted for a user to create and manage accounts?
What Snowflake role must be granted for a user to create and manage accounts?
The ORGADMIN role in Snowflake is responsible for creating and managing accounts within an organization. This role has the necessary privileges to manage accounts, making it the correct choice for a user who needs to create and manage accounts.
Was on exam Dec 31st 2022
An account can be created by an ORGADMIN through the web interface or using SQL https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/organizations-manage-accounts.html
The key phrase is : "a user to create and manage accounts? An ORGADMIN can create / manage Accounts and hence AccountADMINs.
The correct answer is C. The user administrator (USERADMIN) role includes the privileges to create and manage users and roles (assuming ownership of those roles or users has not been transferred to another role). The security administrator (i.e users with the SECURITYADMIN system role) role includes the global MANAGE GRANTS privilege to grant or revoke privileges on objects in the account. The USERADMIN role is a child of this role in the default access control hierarchy. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/security-access-control-considerations
B ORGADMIN to manage accounts.
The question is for 'account' , not creating a role or user. An 'account' can be thought of as the url you are using to login to your database. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/organizations-manage-accounts
I changed my mind it C, SecurityAdmin that inherit the priveleges of UserAdmin
The user administrator (USERADMIN) role includes the privileges to create and manage users and roles (assuming ownership of those roles or users has not been transferred to another role).