Which of the following is considered a complex field and should not be rendered using the Html.Sitecore().Field() method when developing with Sitecore MVC?
Which of the following is considered a complex field and should not be rendered using the Html.Sitecore().Field() method when developing with Sitecore MVC?
An 'Image' is considered a complex field in Sitecore. Complex fields, such as Image fields, contain multiple pieces of data and often require special handling to ensure they are rendered correctly. This typically includes metadata and references to media items that need more sophisticated processing than what the 'Html.Sitecore().Field()' method provides. In contrast, fields like Number, Checkbox, and Single-line text are simple and can be rendered directly with the 'Html.Sitecore().Field()' method.
Image is complex field but can be used in @Html.Sitecore().Field() https://marcotanainsights.wordpress.com/2017/10/05/tips-on-using-html-sitecore-fields-parameters-object/
It is C. You need a lambda expression or a helper methods to work with checkboxes
According to this, all options are simple fields: https://doc.sitecore.com/xp/en/developers/93/sitecore-experience-manager/the-simple-field-types.html
A, C, and D are not not considered a complex field in Sitecore, when Image is
Answer is C
Answer is C
Right Answer is C