What are some advantages of a stock transport order compared to a stock transfer posting between two plants? (Choose three.)
What are some advantages of a stock transport order compared to a stock transfer posting between two plants? (Choose three.)
The three advantages of a stock transport order compared to a stock transfer posting between two plants are: You can create stock transport requisitions via MRP, you can plan delivery costs, and you can post goods receipt to consumption. Creating stock transport requisitions via MRP helps in automating the material requirements planning process. Planning delivery costs allows for better financial forecasting and management. Posting goods receipt to consumption directly aligns with tracking the consumption of goods upon receipt, which is an important aspect for internal accounting and inventory management.
it's not C but E, no?
ABE is the correct answer
Option C is incorrect because in a stock transport order, you cannot post goods receipt in consignment. In a consignment process, the goods are still owned by the supplier (consignor) and only change ownership when the recipient (consignee) consumes or sells the goods. This is different from a stock transport order where the ownership of the goods changes when the goods are issued from the supplying plant. Therefore, the goods receipt in a stock transport order cannot be posted in consignment
ABE is the correct answer
A. You can plan delivery costs. B. You can create stock transport requisitions via MRP. C. You can post goods receipt in consignment.
A,B & D are correct for D in delivery tab Stock type can be unrested, inspection quality and blocked - the business case for long transport you need to do another quality check or to put in blocked untill physical check and then release
D is incorrect, delivery tab for receipt in the destination plant not for issue from the source plant. E is correct