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Question 447

Ursa Major Solar (UMS) uses Cases to track customer complaints, an Issue__c object to represent known problems with its solar panels, and a Case_Issue__c junction object to relate known problems to customer complaints. Periodically, UMS conducts audits which require the auditing users to view Case_Issue__c records.

Which access levels must be configured to allow UMS users to access Case_Issue__c records?

    Correct Answer: D

    To allow UMS users to access Case_Issue__c records for auditing purposes, users must have Read-Only access to both the parent objects related to the Case_Issue__c junction object. In this scenario, Case_Issue__c relates Cases and Issue__c objects. Therefore, users need Read-Only access to both Case and Case_Issue__c records. This ensures users can view the junction object records as well as the related Case records.

TabasOption: B

It's B. You need read access on both Master objects in order to view junction object records. https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/65250/visibility-of-records-in-a-junction-object-and-based-or-relationshiporder-base

Kiki711Option: B

Test it out in a dev org, unable to grant user Read access to junction object coz the object is NOT shown in the sharing settings, instead we'll need to grant access to two parent objects.

juduujuuuduuuuOption: C

I feel like it's C

SFRROption: A

I think this should be A. It is not specified that the auditing user also needs acccess to the Case, but only to the issue. Important here is that the junction object is usually a object with 2 master-detail which enherits access by the parent. So this junction object should not have to be included in sharing settings configuration