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Question 89


Configure the NTP service in your system.

    Correct Answer:

    See explanation below.

    system-config-date &


To save time run this command and if service installed then it will tell you otherwise it will install it, dnf install chrony (no need to use -y as you want to see if installed then u can just press enter) OR you can use this command to check if you have plenty of time >>dnf info chrony or this command >> dnf list chrony Now enable it >>systemctl enable --now chronyd or the below command Check service is running without any issues >>systemctl status chronyd Now check where NTP is pointing to i.e. server or pool (mostly pool) >>chronyc sources {If wrong then edit this file /etc/chrony.conf, add either pool *followed by pool name* or server *followed by server name*} restart chrony service >>systemctl restart chronyd and check the status to ensure no errors >> systemctl status chronyd


rpm -qa | grep chrony vi /etc/chrony.conf and add ( specified ip iburst) systemctl enable chronyd systemctl restart chronyd timedatectl set-ntp true timedatectl status to verify