A YUM repository has been provided at
Configure your system to use this location as a default repository.
A YUM repository has been provided at
Configure your system to use this location as a default repository.
To configure your system to use the provided YUM repository as a default repository, follow these steps: 1. Open a terminal and create a new YUM repository configuration file by using a text editor like `vim` or `nano`. For example, run `sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/base.repo`. 2. Add the following lines to the file: [base] name=base baseurl= gpgcheck=0 enabled=1. 3. Save and exit the file. In `vim`, you can do this by pressing `Esc`, typing `:wq`, and then pressing `Enter`. 4. Verify the configuration by running `yum list`. If properly configured, YUM will list the package information from the newly added repository.
yum install uname -a grubby --info=ALL (shows the repository of all kernels) grubby --set-default [the location of Or path index number] reboot uname -a