Configure your Host Name, IP Address, Gateway and DNS.
Host name:
IP Address: -
Gateway172.24.40.1 -
DNS: -
Configure your Host Name, IP Address, Gateway and DNS.
Host name:
IP Address: -
Gateway172.24.40.1 -
DNS: -
To configure the Host Name, IP Address, Gateway, and DNS, follow these steps: To set the hostname to, edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network: ''. For the IP Address, Gateway, and DNS configuration, navigate to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ and edit the ifcfg-eth0 file to include the following: IPADDR=, PREFIX=24, GATEWAY=, and DNS1= Applying these settings through editing configuration files ensures the network settings are preserved across reboots.
#cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ #ls #vi ifcfg-eth0 IPADDR= PREFIX=24 GATEWAY= DNS1= #hostnamectl set-hostname
hi, how do you make this configuration in effect? it tried systemctl restart networkmanager but the service is not found. i tried nmcli networking off and on but this does not take effect also. i did systemctl reboot for this to work. thank you for the advise. btw using nmcli con mod enables me to use nmcli networking off and on to make the changes in effect.
Either way using ifdown eth0;ifup eth0 or nmcli conn up eth0
systemctl restart network.service
should be systemctl restart NetworkManager
It's true up to Rhel 8 , in Rhel 9 configuration files are in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
nmcli con reload afterwards and it works like charm !
There is many ways to achieve the tasks, remember! In this case, for this question all the commands working in rhel 7 also work in rhel 8. Again, remember, there is many ways to resolve the questions. For example, if you can change the hostanme, you can use the cli (hostnamectl) or modifying directly the archive for that purpose: /etc/hostname. If you can modify the network details, you can use, nmcli (cli for network mannager), nmtui (TUI for network manager) or modify the archives directly. You can choose any of the ways you want!
#hostnamectl set-hostname #hostnamectl - to verify #nmcli connection modify eth0 ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns ipv4.method static #nmcli connection down eth0 #nmcli connection up eth0 # ping - to verify
Love you Rahul
Solution: hostnamectl set-hostname nmcli connection add con-name ens160 ifname ens160 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns connection.autoconnect yes type ethernet
hostnamectl without admin privileges is ok. Does the nmcli command also work in this way?
Option 1 - #sudo nmtui (gui configuration) Option 2 - #nmcli connection modify ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns #hostnamectl set-hostname #sudo nmcli connection down enp0s3 && sudo nmcli connection up enp0s3
DBrown, why enp0s3? I took the exam and there are two connections, eth0 (active) and enp0s3. I couldn't understand if I had to modify eth0 or add an address to enp0s3. Thanks
so which connection you have edit on the exam ?
For RHCSA 9 we can use nmtui right. I feel this is very easy. Any one please confirm
This dump is valid for Redhat 9? Thanks!
you can use nmtui it is more faster way, it work for exam version 8
"nmtui" is easier to remember and can achieve both goals. "nmcli" is also easy but required a bit more of remembering the right order of the commands for exemple
RHEL 9.1 root]# root]# hostnamectl set-hostname root]# root]# cat /etc/hostname root]# nmcli connection add con-name MyExam ifname ens224 type ethernet ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway root]# root]#nmcli connection modify MyExam ipv4.dns root]# root]# nmcli connection modify MyExam ipv4.method manual root]# root]# nmcli connection up MyExam root]# root]# nmcli device
hostnamectl hostname is correct, whithout set-
this dump is valid for Redhat 9? Thanks!
hello all , in the exam there is two connections which connection we should edit ?the active one ( the first connection ) we modify the existing OR we edit the second connection ? please anyone can answer?
When ls in the network-scripts, I get readme- ifcfg- rh.txt. Am I suppose to touch ifcfg-etho into network-scripts?
it has moved. Read the readme for more information. /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ <--- is the new location of the config files
after i config, can't ping anymore ist normal?
#cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ #ls
Do you need mask of 24 in the network-scripts vi? As in... IPADDR= or IPADDR= ???
yes, you do. otherwise you will get IP of
vi /etc/hostname