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Question 91


Configure your web services, download from http://instructor.example.com/pub/serverX.html And the services must be still running after system rebooting.

    Correct Answer:

    To configure your web services, follow these steps: First, navigate to the web directory by using the command `cd /var/www/html`. Then, download the specified file using `wget http://instructor.example.com/pub/serverX.html`. Move the downloaded file as the main index file using `mv serverX.html index.html`. To ensure the web service (Apache httpd) is running, restart the service with `/etc/init.d/httpd restart`. Finally, to make the service start automatically after a reboot, use the command `chkconfig httpd on`.


In RHEL8: # systemctl enable --now httpd.services


# systemctl status httpd (check if apache is running) # systemctl start httpd (if not started already) # systemctl enable httpd (enable upon boot) # wget http://instructor.example.com/pub/serverX.html


The file should be downloaded to /var/www/html, so before doing wget, change directory. #cd /var/www/html