Configure autofs to make sure after login successfully, it has the home directory autofs, which is shared as /rhome/ldapuser40 at the ip: and it also requires that, other ldap users can use the home directory normally.
Configure autofs to make sure after login successfully, it has the home directory autofs, which is shared as /rhome/ldapuser40 at the ip: and it also requires that, other ldap users can use the home directory normally.
To configure autofs so that after a user logs in successfully, the home directory is shared as /rhome/ldapuser40 at IP, and to ensure other LDAP users can use the home directory normally, follow these steps: 1. Install autofs if it is not already installed: `yum install -y autofs`. 2. Enable and start the autofs service: `systemctl enable --now autofs.service`. 3. Verify the available NFS shares on the server: `showmount -e`. 4. Create a user without a home directory for ldapuser40: `useradd -M ldapuser40`. 5. Edit the autofs master map file: `vi /etc/auto.master` and add the line `/rhome /etc/auto.ldap`. 6. Create the map file for autofs: `vi /etc/auto.ldap` and add the line `ldapuser40 -rw,soft,intr`. Add another line `* -rw,soft,intr` to allow other LDAP users to mount their home directories normally. 7. Reload the autofs service to apply the changes: `systemctl reload autofs`. This setup ensures that ldapuser40 and other LDAP users can access their home directories as specified.
yum install autofs showmount -e ##Create user without a home directory useradd -M ldapuser40 ##Create file vi /etc/auto.master.d/autohome.autofs ##add this line /- /etc/auto.home ##create this file vi /etc/auto.home ##Add this line and save file /home/ldapuser40 -rw,sync systemctl enable --now autofs.service
Something like : dnf install autofs -y systemctl enable autofs vi /etc/auto.master /rhome/ldapuser40 /etc/auto.examtopic vi /etc/auto.examtopic ldapdir systemctl start autofs mount
what do you means by ldapdir? should be ldapuser40
I understood the task differently, like we need to mount server path to ldapuser40 folder under /home. Might be wrong, correct me if so. #dnf install -y autofs (installs required package) #systemctl enable --now autofs (enable service at next boot and start it immediately) #showmount -e (to check existing NFS export on the server) #vim /etc/auto.master (edit master file) #/home /etc/test.mapfile (add this line, configures /home as main mount point where everything defined in test.mapfile will be mounted under) #vim /etc/test.mapfile (creates and starts editing the mapfile) #ldapuser40 (add this line, first part is the folder which will be created under /home defined previously in master, and contents will be retrieved from server path on the right). #systemctl reload autofs (reloads all autofs configs)
Forgot to add #useradd -M ldapuser40 (after showmount in 3rd line - this will create the user without home folder)