Correct Answer: To accomplish the required tasks, the following commands should be executed: 1. First, create the directory under /home named admins: `mkdir /home/admins`. 2. Assign the directory to the admin group: `chown :admin /home/admins`. 3. Set the permissions so that admin group users can read and write, and set the sticky bit to ensure that files created inside the directory have the admin group by default: `chmod 2770 /home/admins`. Explanation: The `mkdir` command is used to create the directory. The `chown :admin` command assigns the directory to the admin group. The `chmod 2770` command sets the permissions: 2 ensures the sticky bit is set so that files created within inherit the group's ownership (sbit), 7 allows read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, 7 allows read, write, and execute permissions for the group, and 0 denies all permissions for other users. This setup conforms to the requirement that the group users should have read and write access while others are denied access, and that new files inherit the admin group.