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Question 50

Which of the following expressions evaluate to True? (Choose two.)

    Correct Answer: A, C

    The expressions that evaluate to True among the options are correctly 'A' and 'C'. For option 'A': 'dcb' not in 'abcde'[::-1], 'abcde'[::-1] reverses the string to 'edcba', and 'dcb' is indeed not found in 'edcba', so the expression evaluates to True. For option 'C': str(1-1) in '0123456789'[:2], the expression '1-1' results in 0, and str(0) is '0'. '012' is the first two characters of the string '0123456789', thus '0' is in '01', making the expression true.

kstrOptions: BC


DKAT2023Options: BC

B and C are corrects