Which is a benefit of the Lean Startup approach to releasing a product?
Which is a benefit of the Lean Startup approach to releasing a product?
The Lean Startup approach emphasizes the importance of releasing a minimal viable product (MVP) early to gather customer feedback quickly. This feedback allows the product team to iterate rapidly, respond to market demand, and make necessary adjustments in the initial stage, thereby increasing the chances of successful product development. Therefore, a primary benefit of this approach is that it provides quick feedback that can be responded to at the earliest opportunity.
D. It provides quick feedback that can be responded to at the earliest opportunity. One of the main benefits of the Lean Startup approach to releasing a product is that it provides quick feedback that can be responded to at the earliest opportunity. The Lean Startup approach emphasizes the importance of releasing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) as early as possible in order to test assumptions and get feedback from customers.
The benefit of the Lean Startup approach to releasing a product is that it provides quick feedback that can be responded to at the earliest opportunity. The Lean Startup approach emphasizes the importance of releasing a minimum viable product (MVP) as early as possible and then using customer feedback to improve the product. This approach enables the product team to quickly iterate and pivot based on customer feedback, resulting in a product that better meets the needs of the customers.
D is correct. Some of the fundamentals of the Lean Startup approach involve releasing a product in such a way that it maximizes the viability of the product and enables it to fail fast if it is going to fail. A well-crafted release plan can prove significantly beneficial to an organization. It can create feedback that can be responded to at the earliest opportunity.
Correct answer is D https://publications.axelos.com/prince2agile2016/content.aspx?page=pra_127&showNav=true&expandNav=true