Identify the missing word in the following sentence. A member of the Project Board is responsible for [ ? ] assurance.
Identify the missing word in the following sentence. A member of the Project Board is responsible for [ ? ] assurance.
A member of the Project Board is responsible for supplier assurance. Within the context of project management, the Project Board members each have specific responsibilities, and supplier assurance is one of these key areas typically overseen by the senior supplier on the board.
The project board members each have a specific area of focus for project assurance, namely business assurance for the executive, user assurance for the senior user(s) and supplier assurance for the senior supplier(s). So the correct answer is C - supplier
why is it not product assurance?
Project assurance function is when each board members has their own responsibilities reflecting their specific interests: Business assurance. User assurance. Supplier assurance.
board is project assurance and supplier assurance is a subcategory of project assurance. [maybe note: Product != Project ]
Because the supplier is a member of the Project Board...