Which two filters are available in the SecOps dashboard? (Choose two.)
Which two filters are available in the SecOps dashboard? (Choose two.)
The SecOps dashboard typically provides multiple filters to refine the view of security-related data. Two common filters available in such dashboards are Time Range and Account Groups. The Time Range filter allows users to select specific periods to analyze trends and incidents over time. The Account Groups filter enables users to focus on particular sets of accounts, making it easier to manage and correlate security events and metrics across related entities.
AB https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/prisma/prisma-cloud/prisma-cloud-admin/prisma-cloud-dashboards/secops
Verified in Prisma cloud. The three filters are Time, Account group and cloud account.
AB The DashboardSecOps provides a graphical view of the performance of assets that are connected to the Internet, the alerts by policy type over time, the alerts by severity, and the policy violations over time. You can filter by time range, account groups, and cloud accounts to dig further and see a quick summary of your security challenges. https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/prisma/prisma-cloud/prisma-cloud-admin/prisma-cloud-dashboards/secops