What is the default behavior in PAN-OS when a 12 MB portable executable (PE) file is forwarded to the WildFire cloud service?
What is the default behavior in PAN-OS when a 12 MB portable executable (PE) file is forwarded to the WildFire cloud service?
A 12 MB portable executable (PE) file is forwarded to the WildFire cloud service by default. According to PAN-OS, the default maximum file size for forwarding PE files to WildFire is 16 MB, which means any PE file under this size, including a 12 MB file, would be forwarded.
C is correct: 16MB is default and 1-50 is size limit https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/wildfire/u-v/wildfire-whats-new/wildfire-features-in-panos-90/increased-wildfire-file-forwarding-capacity
16 MB is the default cutoff for forwarding to WildFire as of PAN-OS 9.0. Size limits range from 1-50 MB.
https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/11-0/pan-os-web-interface-help/device/device-setup-wildfire#:~:text=(Portable%20Executable)%E2%80%94Range%20is,for%20PE%20files%20to%2016MB.&text=(Android%20Application)%E2%80%94Range%20is,1%20to%2050MB%3B%20default%2010MB. PE default size = 16MB