What is the maximum number of agents one Broker VM local agent applet can support?
What is the maximum number of agents one Broker VM local agent applet can support?
The maximum number of agents one Broker VM local agent applet can support is 10,000. This is based on standard configurations and limitations known for such applets, reflecting common capacity constraints.
I agree this is old so probably won't be on the test but good to know if it is.
This is already obsolete, the BVM local agent can cater 50, 000 https://docs-cortex.paloaltonetworks.com/r/Cortex-XDR/Cortex-XDR-Pro-Administrator-Guide/Activate-the-Local-Agent-Settings
I don't see an option for 50,000. I'm assuming 10,000 is the answer based on when the test was created.