Which action disables Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) functionality on a ZTP firewall during the onboarding process?
Which action disables Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) functionality on a ZTP firewall during the onboarding process?
Performing a local commit on the ZTP firewall disables Zero Touch Provisioning functionality. This is because performing a local commit interrupts the automated configuration process that ZTP relies on, causing the functionality to be disabled and preventing successful onboarding to Panorama.
C is the right answer. https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/panorama/10-0/panorama-admin/manage-firewalls/set-up-zero-touch-provisioning/add-ztp-firewalls-to-panorama/add-a-ztp-firewall-to-panorama.html#id182211ac-a31c-4122-a11f-19450ec9ca4e
You are correct. In your link: Performing a local commit on the ZTP firewall disables ZTP functionality and results in the failure to successfully add the firewall to Panorama.
https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/panorama/10-2/panorama-admin/manage-firewalls/set-up-zero-touch-provisioning/add-ztp-firewalls-to-panorama/add-a-ztp-firewall-to-panorama "Performing a local commit on the ZTP firewall disables ZTP functionality and results in the failure to successfully add the firewall to Panorama."
dashiawia is correct - C is right!
https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/panorama/10-1/panorama-admin/manage-firewalls/set-up-zero-touch-provisioning/add-ztp-firewalls-to-panorama/add-a-ztp-firewall-to-panorama While adding ZTP firewalls to Panorama, do not perform any commits on the ZTP firewall before you verify that the firewall is successfully added to Panorama in Step 4. Performing a local commit on the ZTP firewall disables ZTP functionality and results in the failure to successfully add the firewall to Panorama.
Correct answer is C: While adding ZTP firewalls to Panorama, do not perform any commits on the ZTP firewall before you verify that the firewall is successfully added to Panorama in Step 4. Performing a local commit on the ZTP firewall disables ZTP functionality and results in the failure to successfully add the firewall to Panorama.
D https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/panorama/10-0/panorama-admin/manage-firewalls/set-up-zero-touch-provisioning/use-the-cli-for-ztp-tasks.html
Check also question #245. Performing a local commit it's not part of the onboarding process.
I take it back its C :)
I think it is C because you have to do a commit after you run request disable-ztp
You do have to do a commit but the answer is too vague to be "correct enough"
I am having trouble finding the answer for this one. But I don't think it's C.
But it is C, you said it was C up above.
While adding ZTP firewalls to Panorama, do not perform any commits on the ZTP firewall before you verify that the firewall is successfully added to Panorama in Step 4. Performing a local commit on the ZTP firewall disables ZTP functionality and results in the failure to successfully add the firewall to Panorama.
While adding ZTP firewalls to Panorama, do not perform any commits on the ZTP firewall before you verify that the firewall is successfully added to Panorama in Step 4. Performing a local commit on the ZTP firewall disables ZTP functionality and results in the failure to successfully add the firewall to Panorama.
A. removing the Panorama serial number from the ZTP service Delete a ZTP firewall from the list of firewalls for future registration with the ZTP service. > request plugins ztp firewall-delete firewall <serial number> https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/panorama/10-0/panorama-admin/manage-firewalls/set-up-zero-touch-provisioning/use-the-cli-for-ztp-tasks.html
So it's C or D? looks like D for me?