What will happen if a playbook debugger is left running for more than 24 hours?
What will happen if a playbook debugger is left running for more than 24 hours?
By default, every 24 hours, the system closes any debugger sessions that have been open for more than 180 minutes. This is an automatic process and ensures that debuggers sessions do not run indefinitely.
should be A https://docs-cortex.paloaltonetworks.com/r/Cortex-XSOAR/6.6/Cortex-XSOAR-Administrator-Guide/Debug-a-Playbook
Answer is A, here is why: Terminate Debugger Sessions By default, every 24 hours, the system closes any debugger sessions that have been open for more than 180 minutes. You can change the frequency of the automatic terminations and also the length of time a debugger session can remain open. To change the default from 24 hours, go to Settings → About → Troubleshooting → Server Configuration and add the server configuration clean.playbook.debug.sessions.interval. The unit is hours.. To change the maximum time a debugger session can remain open, add the server configuration playbook.debug.sessions.duration.max. The unit is minutes.
A is correct